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Time to do the documents

Hello! My name is Ana Carolina and I'm from Brazil. I want to start to worrk as an au pai care in te end oh 2017 or when 2018 starts. I want to know how many time before I have to start to do do the documentation, and where I do this? Thank you

1 Answerslatest answer: 7 years ago2 have this question 2891 views

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Dear Ana,

which documents you need and at which time you need to start the visa process to get your visa in time, is depending on the country you want to go to. As a rule of thumb you're on the safe side if you calculate with three months for the visa process.

You can find all the details in our step-by-step guide for each host country.

For UK (one of the countries on your list of whished host countries, according to your profile) you e.g. find it at

If you have any more specific questions to the process in one of the countries, you can always contact the respective country support manager!

Best regards,

Maria from the cAP team

A. F.A. F. au pair
20. tammikuuta 2017

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